Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (2025)

Flowcharts for all Aoi conversations can be found here.


  • All ending conversations (where the Hex goes offline) will be marked as {Convo. Ends}
  • A flow chart will be included after all possible choices in the conversation are noted in this page
  • Any glowing, golden text marked in-game will be highlighted here in bold+underlined
  • Indented messages are the continuation after the Drifter (you) selected the chat option
  • All user's choices to be made are marked with a '>' for clarity. Note that available choices in-game are not written in order on this page.


  • 1 Aoi: “Ok I’m bored. Maybe a little curious too ^_^” (chart R1C1)
  • 2 Aoi: "I spilled bubble tea on my PC pls tell me you got this message so I know everything works" (chart R1C3)
  • 3 Aoi: "do you know where my On-lyne CD ended up?" (R1C_)
  • 4 Aoi: “Can target practice wait {...}” (R2C3)
  • 5 Aoi: “u've told me so many awful stories {...}” (R4C6)
  • 6 Aoi: would u believe I just listened to an album {...}
  • 7 Aoi: how is my fave time traveler?
  • 8 Aoi: Arthur says you owe him a drink (R2C2)
  • 9 Aoi: "Wait, u taught Arthur how emoticons work?? THANK U" (R3C3)
  • 10 Aoi: “hey, um...” (R4C4)
  • 11 Aoi: "may I introduce u to a friend? 'Mr Piano' is his name." (R4C7)
  • 12 Aoi: "I've never thanked u for being so cool with Eleanor"
  • 13 Aoi: just want u to know I'm thinking of u ^_^
  • 14 Aoi: "Quincy told me he'd kill me if I ever told anyone this story" (R5C4)
  • 15 [Best Friends > Loved] Aoi: "today, I finished folding 1000 metal cranes"
  • 16 (Drifter Initiates the conversation)
    • 16.1 (Happy Birthday)
    • 16.2 \(⌐ n- n)/ / \( ˙͜ ˙ )/ (chart R1C4)
    • 16.3 (About Lettie)
    • 16.4 'You know...' (About the Arcade) (R3C4)
    • 16.5 (About the Metal Cranes) (R2C5)
    • 16.6 (Favourite Emoticon)
    • 16.7 (I'm guessing you are not from Höllvania) (R3C5)
    • 16.8 (About Family)
    • 16.9 (About Aoi being the strongest/most heroic) (R5C3)
    • 16.10 (About coming to Höllvania / Meet Hex) (R3C4)
    • 16.11 (About Duviri)
    • 16.12 (About Transference) (R5C6)
    • 16.13 (Motivation <stub>) (R5C5)
  • 17 Notes

Aoi: “Ok I’m bored. Maybe a little curious too ^_^” (chart R1C1)[]

  • Aoi: Ok I’m bored. Maybe a little curious too ^_^
  • > Curious about what?
    • Aoi: do u prefer coffee or tea?
    • > Coffee. You?
      • Aoi: both are good! depends on the day.
      • Aoi: would you like milk or sugar in ur caffeinated bevvy?
      • > Both.
      • > I’d prefer black.
      • > Milk.
      • > Sugar.
        • Aoi: How sweet of you! ^_^
        • Aoi: ur response has been carefully noted
        • Aoi: have a nice day! {Convo. Ends}
    • > Tea. You?
      • Aoi: both are good! depends on the day.
      • Aoi: would you like milk or sugar in ur caffeinated bevvy?
      • > Both.
        • Aoi: Best of both worlds, hmm? I respect that.
        • Aoi: ur response has been carefully noted
        • Aoi: have a nice day! {Convo. Ends}
    • > I’ve never had either, honestly.
      • Aoi: okay wow so we have to fix that!
      • Aoi: would you like milk or sugar in ur caffeinated bevvy?
      • > Both.
      • > I'd prefer black.
        • Aoi: best of both worlds, hmm? I respect that.
        • Aoi: ur response has been carefully noted
        • Aoi: have a nice day! {Convo. Ends}
      • > Milk.
        • Aoi: "૮( ˶•⤙•˶ )ა {Notes: 6}
        • Aoi: ur response has been carefully noted
        • Aoi: have a nice day! {Convo. Ends}
      • > Sugar.
        • Aoi: How sweet of you! ^_^
        • Aoi: ur response has been carefully noted
        • Aoi: have a nice day! {Convo. Ends}
  • > Only boring people get bored.
  • > -_-

Aoi: "I spilled bubble tea on my PC pls tell me you got this message so I know everything works" (chart R1C3)[]

  • Aoi: I spilled bubble tea on my PC pls tell me you got this message so I know everything works
    • > Nope, it's ruined.
      • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: omg thank all the gods. ...' )
    • Aoi: omg thank all the gods. Amir would never have let me live that down
      • > What kind of tea did you say it was?
        • Aoi: bubble tea! it's a milky tea with chewy little tapioca pearls
        • > So little of what you just said made sense to me, but I trust your taste.
          • Aoi: (^▽^)
            • > Do you still have a few sips left at least?
              • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: ok don't make fun of me' )
            • > And this stuff nearly broke your PC?
              • Aoi: ok don't make fun of me
              • Aoi: I didn't have room on my desk so I sat my drink on the tower. then I was settling in, getting comfy
              • Aoi: when I crossed my legs, my knee hit the bubble tea and BAM. Tea EVERYWHERE. Not a drop left in the cup!
              • > The weirdest part of that story was when you sat cross-legged at a computer desk.
                • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: (ó_ò.)' )
              • > I'll spare you the lecture about caring for your electronics
                • Aoi: (ó_ò.)
                • Aoi: pity meee! I only got like one sip and bubble tea's tough to come by around here!
                • > Okay, fair enough. That sucks. Silver lining is you didn't break anything though, right?
                  • Aoi: I do love a silver lining ^_^
                  • > And we don't even have to tell Amir.
                    • Aoi: thank goodness ur so good at keeping secrets
                    • Aoi: and o[' [y]
                    • Aoi: oh shio-[3eettq
                    • Aoi: aE -[$TE) keyboa e rrrrd!!
                    • > Looks like there was a little damage after all.
                      • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: grRRr =====: ((( @' )
                    • > I think you'd better talk to Amir about fixing that
                      • Aoi: grRRr =====: ((( @
                      • > I'd ask if you're okay over there but... it looks like replying will be difficult either way.
                        • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: ...... e3-= q -------' )
                      • > I don't think typing is good for the keyboard at this point
                        • Aoi: ...... e3-= q -------
                        • Aoi: qq
                        • Aoi:
                        • Aoi: GOT IT
                        • > Did Lettie's rats walk all over your keyboard or was that bubble tea damage?
                          • Aoi: I simply separated the metal in the keyboard from the liquid (and tapioca) then rebuilt it ^_^ good as new!
                          • > Damn, your power are no joke.
                            • Aoi: aww shucks ^_^
                              • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: yah sooo I'm totally...' )
                          • > Wow you did that quickly too.
                            • Aoi: you think? ^_^
                            • Aoi: yah sooo I'm totally gonna go brag to Amir
                            • > I would, too.:)
                              • Aoi: later! {Convo. Ends}

Aoi: "do you know where my On-lyne CD ended up?" (R1C_)[]

  • Aoi: do you know where my On-lyne CD ended up?"
  • > Nope. Can you track it down with your metal powers?
    • Aoi: LOL I wish!
    • Aoi: the CD's plastic anyway
    • > Oh... Well, metal makes a big comeback in the future
      • Aoi: {Sly, gleeful emoticon}
      • Aoi: then I will dominate the future!
      • > Jokes aside, I really hope you find it.
        • Aoi: {Happy, determined emoticon}
        • Aoi: thx! {Convo. Ends}

Aoi: “Can target practice wait {...}” (R2C3)[]

  • Aoi: Can target practice wait until tomorrow? I beg of you! I’m trying to sleep!
  • Aoi: uh... that message was meant for Quincy. sry… pls ignore this
  • > Quincy’s gunshots keeping you up?
    • Aoi: it’s fiiine. this is a big mall. I can always find somewhere further from Quincy to nap
    • > I’m sure he doesn’t need to shoot things at *all* hours.
      • Aoi: nah it’s for the best that I didn’t reach him. he needs to let off steam. I get it.
      • > I can say something to Arthur for you, if you want.
      • > That’s kind of you.
        • Aoi: why thank u
        • > Hey. I get it. I’d never tell Ordis how his jokes keep me up sometimes.
          • Aoi: Ordis a friend of urs?
          • > Yeah, he’s the Cephalon intelligence that runs my spacecraft.
            • Aoi: a Cephalon is like… a wut exactly?
            • > They’re people whose consciousness was uploaded to virtual space (usually by force.)
            • > They’re like a digital intelligence.
              • Aoi: oh! like a robot
              • > But without a body.
                • Aoi: oh! like the internet
                • (jump to "only hella futuristic")
              • > I suppose.
                • Aoi: only hella futuristic
                • > Maybe a little too futuristic to explain, honestly.
                • > You get the idea.
                  • Aoi: well Ordis is lucky to have u
                  • > And I’m very lucky to have him.
                    • Aoi: ("`ᵕ`")
                    • (jump to time for me to go find a nice place to sleep)
                  • > He knows. Lol.
                    • Aoi: (¬‿¬) {Notes: 1}
                    • Aoi: time for me to go find a nice place to sleep
                    • > Good luck
                    • > Sweet dreams {Convo. Ends}
          • > No, he’s the Cephalon intelligence that runs my spacecraft.
        • > You should really look out for yourself more though.
      • > As long as you’re getting enough sleep, that’s cool.
        • Aoi: u wouldn't believe how cozy clothing stores can be
        • (rest is same as the tree after "That's kind of you")
    • > You can still message him.
  • > Sounds like you’re having a tough time.
  • > [Don’t respond.]

Aoi: “u've told me so many awful stories {...}” (R4C6)[]

  • Aoi: u've told me so many awful stories about the Orokin... was there ever anyone who turned their back on their way of life?
  • > Most of them ended up dead. But Albrecht Entrati did, in his own way.
    • Aoi: ugh, that guy. always slipping through death's grip.
    • Aoi: and here I was hoping it'd be someone... cooler.
    • > Sorry to disappoint. He's your guy. Refused Kuva, which allows them to be immortal. Didn't go for the fashionable long arm. None of it.
      • only to chase after what served him best, I'm sure.
      • > What do you really think of Entrati? Beyond the "uncool" verdict.
        • Aoi: I have no respect left to lose for the guy ^_^
        • Aoi: people like him only pretend to be charming when it serves them
        • > So you found him charming at some point.
          • Aoi: i wouldn't go that far. more like I was open to respecting him.
          • Aoi: but he threw that away.
          • Aoi: he devours whatever he touches. not even the whole universe would be enough for him.
          • > And you knew that early on? You're the most intuitive in the Hex. If anyone would've had a gut feeling, it'd be you.
            • Aoi: thank you ^_^
            • Aoi: not right away, but pretty early, I got this sinking feeling like something bad was about to happen every time he was nice
            • Aoi: and back then, I didn't have the words for it, but it always felt like HE would be the one behind whatever went wrong.
            • Aoi: but when he has everyone around u fooled, what can u really do?
            • > Do you think he actually had everyone fooled?
              • Aoi: well, maybe not
              • Aoi: more like everyone was too scared to challenge him
              • Aoi: which annoys me to no end.
              • > You're not alone there. He left his mark on everyone.
                • Aoi: ugh, not even the future is safe from that guy.
                • > Yeah. He left behind his lover to mend the damage he did to countless people... and animals.
                  • Aoi: that's just him. that's what he does.
                  • Aoi: he's the only being of emptiness I've ever known.
                  • Aoi: when he finds something he wants, he consumes it completely, then tosses it away when it's spent. always in the most heartless, self-serving way.
                  • > I doubt even the people who like him would deny that.
                    • Aoi: give my regards to everyone he hurt in the future.
                    • > You know it's serious when Aoi starts using periods and stops using emoticons.
                      • Aoi: lol u know me so well it's scary
                      • Aoi: look, when I think of the doktor, I remember the first time I saw fear in Arthur's eyes
                      • Aoi: I think of Amir in total panic, Eleanor unable to speak, Quincy hardening his heart, and Lettie too overwhelmed to save the people around her
                      • Aoi: and I know the doktor would smile hearing that...
                      • Aoi: but there are also good things too
                      • > After a list like that, it's hard to imagine what those good things could be.
                        • Aoi: I have a collection of metal cranes that might one day grant me a wish
                        • Aoi: and every day, I see small acts of defiance from and old, forgotten mall in Höllvania that remind me the human spirit is unbreakable
                        • Aoi: and of course, I met u
                        • > Hmm. If nothing else, your perspective alone proves the human spirit really can't be broken.
                          • Aoi: (づ▽^)
                          • Aoi: as long as there are people who care for each other, people like Entrati will never consume everything
                          • > Well, you can count on me to care.
                            • Aoi: <3 I've never doubted u {Convo. Ends}
                          • > Let's make sure Entrati never wins.
                        • >You're right. Those are good things. (jump to above branch starting with 'as long as there are people who care for each other, people like Entrati will never consume everything')
                        • >That list seems pretty weak compared to Albrecht Entrati, Consumer of Worlds.
                      • > Would you count your powers among those good things?
                        • Aoi: u know what? I think I would. (jump to above branch starting with 'I have a collection of metal cranes that might one day grant me a wish')
                    • > Sorry If I dragged up some dark memories.
                      • Aoi: no, it's ok... (jump to above branch starting with 'look, when I think of the doktor, I remember the first time I saw fear in Arthur's eyes)
                    • >We don't have to talk about him ever again.
                  • > Yeah... "uncool" is starting to sound like an understatement.
                    • Aoi: LOL. I've never met anyone less cool!
                    • >Sorry If I dragged up some dark memories.
                      • Aoi: no, it's okay... (jump to above branch starting with 'look, when I think of the doktor, I remember the first time I saw fear in Arthur's eyes)
                    • >We don't have to talk about him ever again.
                    • >You know it's serious when Aoi starts using periods and stops using emoticons. (look up)
                  • >Damn. Hey, don't hold back.
                • > He left behind a daughter who's still trying to fix the pieces he shattered. Angry as she is, I feel like she can't help believing him. (Jump to above branch starting with 'that's just him. that's what he does.)
              • > If it's any comfort, he's had the same effect where I'm from too.
                • Aoi: that's... bittersweet, I guess.
                • >He left behind a daughter who's still trying to fix the pieces he shattered. Angry as she is, I feel like she can't help believing him. (jump to above branch starting with 'that's just him. that's what he does.')
                • Yeah. He left behind his lover to mend the damage he did to countless people... and animals. (see up)
            • > I guess you wait for them to see it for themselves.
          • >I'm inclined to agree with you.
          • >I don't know. There's an awful lot of universe out there :P
        • > What do you think he's really after?
          • Aoi: control. complete domination.
          • Aoi: not in the fun, pop star world-tour way either.
          • Aoi: he devours whatever he touches. not even the whole universe would be enough for him.
          • > And you knew that early on? You're the most intuitive in the Hex. If anyone would've had a gut feeling, it'd be you. (jump to above branch starting with 'thank you. ^_^')
          • > I'm inclined to agree with you.
          • >I don't know. There's an awful lot of universe out there :P
      • >Did you ever respect Entrati?
      • Hah. I'm not an Orokin. I'm just from their empire. Very different.
    • > Yeah, um... I'll think of a cool Orokin. Give me a minute.
      • Aoi: well, there's u, I guess ^_^
      • >Did you ever respect Entrati?
      • >What do you really think of Entrati? Beyond the "uncool" verdict. (see up)
      • >Hah. I'm not an Orokin. I'm just from their empire. Very different.
        • Aoi: ooooh. confusing
        • Aoi: i really didn't like entrati, though. people like him only pretend to be charming when it serves them
        • > What do you think he's really after? (jump to branch above starting with 'control. complete domination.')
  • > Believe it or not, Doctor Albrecht Entrati
    • Aoi: ew
    • Aoi: and here I was hoping it'd be someone... cooler
    • >Sorry to disappoint. He's your guy. Refused Kuva, which allowes them to be immortal. Didn't go for the fashionable long arm. None of it. (see up)
    • >Yeah, um... I'll think of a cool Orokin. Give me a minute. (jump to branch above starting with 'well, there's u, I guess ^_^)

Aoi: would u believe I just listened to an album {...}[]

  • Aoi: would u believe I just listened to an album that dropped the line "chicks actin dumb" in four different songs?
  • Aoi: straight to the trash is goooes!
  • > Besides those lyrics, was the rest of the album okay?
  • > Sounds incredibly lame.
    • Aoi: meaning aside, using the same line that many times is TOTALLY unoriginal
    • Aoi: ... but I admit my personal experience might be clouding my judgement. other parts of the album were fine.
    • Aoi: should I fish it out of the trash for u so u can give it an unbiased listen? ^_^
    • > I'll pass, but I'd love to hear what personal experience you're referring to.
    • > Back up. Personal experience? Who's ever called you a "chick acting dumb?"
      • Aoi: oooh I've heard it aaall
      • Aoi: even when I served with distinction in the ICR. Officer Barnier saw me bopping to a song in my head one time and said, "We need to do something about that one. She's ditzy."
      • > What an asshole.
        • Aoi: well, it said more about him than me. he showed me nice and early that he wasn't worth my time
        • Aoi: a blessing in disguise ^_^
        • > His loss.
          • Aoi: [complicated emoticon] {Notes: 8}
          • Aoi: I came to the conclusion a long time ago that it's an advantage to be seen as ditzy
          • > How so?
            • Aoi: it means I'm being underestimated. I can do anything and nobody will even think to stand in my way
            • > Seems kind of sad.
            • > You're really something else, Aoi. I mean that in the best way.
              • Aoi: oh I just luv our talks
              • Aoi: ⸜( 。͐ ᵕ ͑ )⸝ ♡
              • Aoi: so do you want me to fish that album out of the trash for u? lol
              • > Nah, you're way too cute for... trash fishing.
                • Aoi: very well! I'm off to clean my brain with Party of Ur Lifetime ^_^
                • > Have fun! {Convo. Ends}
                • > Later, Aoi.
              • > Keep in in the trash where it belongs.
                • Aoi: very well! I'm off to clean my brain with Party of Ur Lifetime ^_^
                • > Have fun! {Convo. Ends}
                • > Later, Aoi.
              • > Thanks, but I'll stick to shawzin music.
            • > To each their own, I guess.
          • > I can see that.
          • > You have my attention.
            • Aoi: [same development as picking "His loss."]
        • > Yeah, a guy like that isn't worth anybody's time.
          • Aoi: enh I wish him well but u've gotta pick ur battles.
          • Aoi: I came to the conclusion a long time ago that it's an advantage to be seen as ditzy
          • [same development as picking "His loss."]
      • > He was just jealous that you knew how to have fun.
        • [same development as picking "What an asshole."]
      • > Would it have killed him to mind his own business?
    • > Hah. Non thanks. I hope the next album you listen to is more enjoyable. {Convo. Ends}
  • > Yeesh. Say what you will about the Orokin, but you can't deny they wrote more eloquent lyrics than that.

Aoi: how is my fave time traveler?[]

  • Aoi: how is my fave time traveler?
    • > I'm all right.
    • > Thanks for checking in. I'm doing fine.
      • Aoi: pinky swear?
        • > Pinky swear.
        • > Cute. Lol. Okay, I admit it. I've had better days.
        • > I don't think pinky swears work online.
          • Aoi: then swear on something important to u!
            • > I can't do that.
            • > I swear on the Lotus.
              • Aoi: ^_^ okay i believe u
              • Aoi: anything I can do to make ur day better?
                • > You could tell me a joke.
                  • Aoi: knock knock
                    • > Who's there?
                      • Aoi: med pack
                        • > Med pack who?
                          • Aoi: med pack ur bags. we're going to the future!
                            • > Lol! Excellent joke.
                              • Aoi: a joke inspired by u! ^_^
                              • Aoi: hope u dont mind me getting a bit serious for a sec
                              • Aoi: I see you pushing yourself for others without asking for anything in return
                              • Aoi: so I just wanna say, if you ever want to share some those burdens u carry, I'm always here
                                • > I appreciate you saying that, Aoi. I'll keep it in mind.
                                  • Aoi: ^_^ ok enough serious talk for now
                                  • Aoi: may the rest of ur day be lovely {Convo. Ends}
                                • > You should deal with your own issues before trying to take on someone else's.
                                • > I bet you say that to everyone.
                            • > I'll take it.
                        • > Why? Who's been injured?
                    • > Aoi, is that you?
                • > Please send flowers.
                • > Pretty lady like you? I can think of a few things.;)
                  • Aoi: (-‿-") {Notes: 9} {Convo. Ends}
            • > I swear on Duviri.
    • > Never been better.

Aoi: Arthur says you owe him a drink (R2C2)[]

  • Aoi: Arthur says you owe him a drink
  • Aoi: something about him "saving your ass"
  • > Ha well... He's not wrong.
    • Aoi: wanna talk about it?
    • > I just have a lot going on, but that's true for all of us.
      • Aoi: take ur frustration out on the bad guys! that's what I do;)
      • Aoi: but u know, there really is a lot weighting on u. That might be true for all of us, but it doesn't make ur experience any less real
      • Aoi: I just hope u know it's okay to have off days
      • > Thanks for saying that.
        • Aoi: anytime <3
      • > Sounds like you might be speaking from experience.
        • Aoi: ha. u ever met anyone who arrived in Höllvania emotionally stable?
        • Aoi: I'll just leave it at that
        • > You're more insightful than you let on.
          • Aoi: a girl's gotta have her secrets
          • Aoi: anyway
          • Aoi: thx for caring about us in the hex. it doesn't go unnoticed. really. {Convo. Ends}

Aoi: "Wait, u taught Arthur how emoticons work?? THANK U" (R3C3)[]

  • Aoi: Wait, u taught Arthur how emoticons work?? THANK U
  • >Yep, sat him down and explained the whole thing. He was so confused at first.
    • Aoi: gosh I am so grateful! now he won't think I'm challenging him to a duel everytime I use ";)"
    • >Haha please tell me that didn't really happen.
      • Aoi: oh it REALLY happened
      • Aoi: I can't believe he actually apologized! all thx to u <3
      • >Ah, it was nothing
      • >I live to serve, my lady.
        • Aoi: u srsly might have just saved us from a lifetime of confusion
        • > Glad I could help. So, of all emoticons you've memorized, which is your favourite?
        • > Hey, Arthur was missing out. Your emoticons are fun. Which is your favourite?
          • Aoi: guess ^_^ (see: Favourite emoticon)
          • >ヽ( >ᵕ<)ノ♡
            • Aoi: mo, but thank u! <3
            • > (•ᴗ - ) ✧
              • Aoi: oooo not quite but that one's up there!
              • >I give up
              • > • ᵕ •
                • Aoi: ding ding ding! we have a winner! how did u know?
                • > It’s my favorite too.
                • > It’s just the right mix of cute and witty.
                  • Aoi: what a lovely observation!
                  • > Well, now I know something you love, and I’ll never forget it.
                    • Aoi: whatever I did to deserve u in my life, I hope no time-travelling mischief-maker ever goes back and changes it <3 {Convo. Ends}
                  • > Another Aoi mystery solved.
                • > Just a hunch.
                • > I’ve been paying attention.
            • >(⌐■_■)
            • > • ᵕ •
          • ^_^
          • > ⊙‿⊙
          • > • ᵕ •
      • >It was the least I could do.
    • >Oh Arthur... I guess nobody's perfect.
  • >Just doing my part to keep the team literate.

Aoi: “hey, um...” (R4C4)[]

  • Aoi: hey, um...
  • Aoi: this might sound corny, but it's important to me, so I'm just gonna say it.
  • Aoi: u make me feel like I belong
  • > I don't know if I can take credit for that. Someone as incredible as you always belong with good people.
    • Aoi: maybe... in a way
    • Aoi: I mean, I know how to fit in anywhere, but that's not the same as truly belonging.
    • > I get that. Being appreciated is one thing. Feeling seen for who you really are is another.
      • Aoi: exactly. and that's what you give me. even when things are chaotic or scary, with you, I feel... hmm...
      • Aoi: at home
      • > You've always felt like home to me too. Maybe I just didn't know how to say it until now.
        • Aoi: sorry, I don't want to sound selfish, but... could you expand on that?
        • > I like you, Aoi. More than a friend. A lot, actually.
        • > I mean, you're my best friend, Aoi. The one who gets me without having to try.
          • Aoi: I know you're from so far away <3
          • Aoi: I mean, literal time travel!
          • Aoi: but just so you know, I'll always do eveything I can to be a home for you too
          • > You've shown me that since the day we met.
            • Aoi: ur one of my favorite people in the whole world, u know that?
            • > Right back at you.
              • Aoi: seriously ur amazing. everything u've faced, everything u've become... I'm so grateful to know u
              • > Knowing you have my back, I feel like I can take on the whole world.
              • > And I'm grateful for you. Thanks for being there, Aoi.
                • Aoi: ^_^ always and forever
                • Aoi: now go out and have an awesome day, k?
                • > Okay, but only because you asked so nicely.
                  • Aoi: • ᵕ • {Convo. Ends}
                • > Only if you promise to do the same.
                • > [Don't respond.]
            • > There's no one else quite like you.
            • > Yeah, I know that;)
          • > Home all the way in 1999? I like the sound of that.
          • > That's insanely sweet of you, Aoi.
      • > You make me feel the same way. No matter what happens, I know I can count on you.
      • > You're a rare kind of friend, Aoi. One of the best. I'll always make sure you feel seen.
    • > No, I guess it's not. Belonging is being seen for who you are and knowing that's enough.
    • > Truly belonging is a tall order.
  • > Me? But Aoi, everyone in the Hex absolutely adores you. Trust me.
  • > The thought that you don't always feel that way honestly breaks my heart.

Aoi: "may I introduce u to a friend? 'Mr Piano' is his name." (R4C7)[]

  • Aoi: may I introduce u to a friend? 'Mr Piano' is his name.
  • > Sign me up.
    • Aoi: let us begin first with: why music? why piano?
    • Aoi: it's easier to start a piano lesson this way because umm, i can't find a piano. so let's stick to theory.
    • > Ok, let's stick to theory.
      • Aoi: yay! so, to really catch you up, music has been really important here for like, ever. guys and girls would sit at a piano instead of a tv and just create.
      • Aoi: playing... writing... really a song is a bit like communicating through music. you don't even need lyrics!
      • Aoi: but imagine it - creating something for this world of ours that can make people cry? dance? sing? it's magic to me.
      • > Magic? I don't think so. I do like a good song though.
      • > Music has been part of what I've been though. Memories through songs, I get it.
        • Aoi: Please tell me about a song then.
        • > Music can define memories. "Smiles from Juran" is a song I heard in mind, the memories, of someone who lost everything.
        • > Music can be hopeful. There's something about knowing "We All Lift Together", right?
          • > Finding joy through song, meaning, shared experience.
          • > It's fun. It's hopeful. A lot of us don't get to choose our life circumstances.
          • >But we can still choose to sing together, about it all. About nothing. Just sing.
          • Aoi: Music is powerful.
          • Aoi: this is embarassing but, i have a similar story. not nearly as heavy but still... maybe you'll understand.
          • Aoi: when i was a kid, like 'kid Aoi', i wanted to be friends with everyone.
          • > Sounds like the Aoi I know.
            • Aoi: [happy emoticon]
            • Aoi: but there was this one kid, who the bullies would ALWAYS pick on. Always.
            • Aoi: and they would sing mean songs about the kid. awful, mean songs.
            • Aoi: and when i saw music being used to cause pain, it broke something in me as a kid. i didn't understand.
            • Aoi: i still don't understand. but i knew then that i could fight back without raising a fist, even if it meant embarassing myself.
            • > So what did you do?
              • Aoi: i sang louder than the bullies. it was a stupid song, i don't even remember how it went.
              • Aoi: but it worked.
              • Aoi: and when they tried to bully me, they would throw CD's at me, but guess what?
              • > The CD's were made of metal?
                • Aoi: ha! nope. i got free music! score for Aoi!
                • Aoi: i guess wut i'm hoping you know and everyone here, is that i'd sing louder for all of you.
                • Aoi: always.
              • > You crushed them?
                • Aoi: ha! nope. i got free music! score for Aoi!
                • Aoi: i guess wut i'm hoping you know and everyone here, is that i'd sing louder for all of you.
                • Aoi: always.
            • > Did you embarass yourself?
          • > Really? Aoi being Friendly?
        • > Music can be evil, Aoi. These people that I tried to save, they were cursed by song. "For Narmer" they sang out.
    • > How hard did you look?
      • Aoi: well, kinda hard? i wansn't sure about going into empty apartments out there...
      • Aoi: ugh. Scaldra. they probably destroyed them. why would they let something hopeful like an instrument survive this place?
      • Aoi: but wait, let me ask u then, if there is music in the future, maybe there's hope. so...
      • Aoi: Please. tell me about a song then.
      • > Music can define memories. "Smiles from Juran" is a song I heard in mind, the memories, of someone who lost everything.
      • > Music can be hopeful. There's something about knowing "We All Lift Together", right? (Look up)
      • > Music can be evil, Aoi. These people that I tried to save, they were cursed by song. "For Narmer" they sang out.
    • > Where would we find a piano?
  • > Not right now. [End.]

Aoi: "I've never thanked u for being so cool with Eleanor"[]

  • Aoi: I've never thanked u for being so cool with Eleanor
  • Aoi: so thank u <3
  • > You don't need to thank me, but I appreciate it.
    • Aoi: u wouldn't have been the first in the Hex to be wary of Eleanor. and, trust me, I love everyone in the Hex, so I would've understood-but also would've worked hard to change your mind.
    • > People doubted Eleanor? Seriously?
    • > I find it hard to believe Arthur ever tolerated people being wary of his sister.
      • Aoi: in the early days , Lettie and Quincy had their doubts. they worried she might go full-tech-rot. Arthur wouldn't hear it, so they kept their concerns quiet, but we all felt it on some level. and if *we* sensed it, imagine how sharp and clear it was to Eleanor
      • > Thank Sol for Arthur. He's a good brother.
      • > That must have been unbearable for her, always knowing what people were thinking.
        • Aoi: they were just scared. fear makes people act in strange ways.
        • > Clearly, the team has come a long way since then.
          • Aoi: I've heard it said that what really traumatizes people isn't what happens to them, but how they react to it. knowing who Lettie and Quincy are at heart, I'm sure if their fear had led to anything happening to Eleanor , they'd never have forgiven themselves.
          • > Did it almost come to that?
          • > It's hard to blame them for being human, I guess.
            • Aoi: after the transformation, Eleanor paid close attention to how everyone reacted. I could see her weighing her options, thinking she might do more harm than good by staying. she wanted to help the Hex, but the way some people looked at her made her wonder if she could help more from a distance.
            • > That's ridiculous. With psychic powers like hers? She's invaluable.
            • > That's so unfair. They didn't see how much she was willing to give up for the Hex.
              • Aoi: she thought she could use her powers from afar, stay connected without burdening us with her presence.
              • > I see. She was willing to sacrifice being with the team just to make them feel safe.
              • > Being alone in Höllvannia would have put her in so much danger.
                • Aoi: one night, when even Amir had gone to sleep, she actually did almost leave. quietly, in the dead of night. she didn't want to burden us with goodbyes.
                • > That's heartbreaking.
                  • Aoi: i hate to imagine what could have happened... I'd been keeping an eye on her tho, trying to be there for her.
                  • Aoi: u know that feeling when ur with someone but they're not really there? when their mind keeps drifting, no matter how much they try to stay present? I noticed that...
                  • > It sounds like you were exactly what she needed in that moment.
                    • Aoi: I wasn't sure how much of her distance was just her learning to manage her psychic powers or her consciously checking how people saw her. so, I started keeping tabs on her too.
                    • Aoi: the second I sensed her atomicycle booting up, I locked down every atomicycle in the garage and ran on to stop her.
                    • > So it was you. You're the reason she stayed.
                      • Aoi: I would've let her go if that's what she really wanted. but she wasn't leaving without a heart-to-heart with me first, haha.
                      • > That's so you haha. I'm guessing the heart-to-heart went well?
                      • > I'm glad you were there for her. That night probably changed everything for her.
                        • Aoi: oh, we talked until the sun came up. since Amir was asleep, we even played some pinball-just the two of us.
                        • Aoi: it was silly and fun, the kind of fun Eleanor desperately needed.
                        • > How did you convince her that everything was okay?
                        • > Sometimes, the simplest things make the biggest difference.
                          • Aoi: I don't think it was any one thing I said. it was just... being there. being a friend.
                          • Aoi: it was the first time since her transformation that someone showed her she was more than Arthur's fragile sister to be protected. I think that night helped her see she could carve out her own place in the Hex.
                          • > I'm glad you did that. She needed it.
                          • > That's what true leadership looks like, Aoi.
                            • Aoi: I need it too, honestly. we're all stronger when we know we belong.
                            • > Eleanor's stronger than people give her credit for, but having you by her side made all the difference.
                              • Aoi: I guess I just realized, having u join us, we could havbe relived that whole awful chapter again
                              • Aoi: but we didn't have to. u understood right away
                              • Aoi: so thank u
                              • > Eleanor deserves to be seen for the amazing woman she is.
                              • > It was nothing. We've got each other's backs.
                              • > Thanks for being there for Eleanor.
                              • > You're the glue that holds this team together Aoi.
                                • Aoi: ur one of my favorite people <3 just so u know [End.]
                            • > Well, I commend you for keeping that team together.
                      • > And that heart-to-heart probably saved her-and the Hex.
                    • > That was brave.
                  • > When it comes to the team's happiness, nothing gets past you.
                • > Luckily for everyone, she clearly didn't.
                • > She must have felt so alone at that moment.
        • > I wish they could have seen past their fear back then.
      • > I'm really dissapointed in Lettie and Quincy.
  • > Of course. She's part of the Hex.
  • > You were worried I'd be mean to her?

Aoi: just want u to know I'm thinking of u ^_^[]

  • Aoi: just want u to know I'm thinking of u ^_^
  • >It makes my day to hear that
    • Aoi: there's nothing I like more than brightening ur day!
    • >You're a good person.
    • >:) Are you having a good day too?
      • Aoi: better now that I talked to u!
      • Aoi: ah! that's Arthur calling me. when the boss calls, I'd better answer, ya?
      • Aoi: until next time!
      • Aoi: ⸜(,>ᵕ<)⸝ ♡ {Convo. Ends}
    • > *Nothing* you like more? I think you might be exaggerating.
  • >Weird I was just thinking about you too.
    • Aoi: OML do u think we sensed each other's thoughts?
    • >Definitely not haha
    • >Well, if life's taught me one thing it's that the Void makes anything possible.
      • Aoi: ur futuristic insights are always appreciated
      • Aoi: ah! that's Arthur calling me. when the boss calls, I'd better answer, ya?
      • Aoi: until next time!
      • Aoi: ⸜(,>ᵕ<)⸝ ♡ {Convo. Ends}
    • >Sure, why not?
  • >That's weird because I never think of you.

Aoi: "Quincy told me he'd kill me if I ever told anyone this story" (R5C4)[]

  • Aoi: Quincy told me he'd kill me if I ever told anyone this story
  • Aoi: but he's all talk and u and I are so very close now so I'm just gonna get it off my chest
  • Aoi: sorry ur involved too now <3
  • > Uuh no I'm not. Don't tell me. I'm not signing up for a problem with Quincy.
  • > Tell me everything.
    • Aoi: ok, so we were on this mission to sabotage Scaldra weapon production. I was doing the metalwork, Quincy had my back, watching for any patrols.
    • Aoi: it went supers smoothly! exactly as planned, but on our way back, we got stopped by a bunch of kids. they recognized Quincy instantly.
    • > Sorry, was that a typo? I'm sure you meant "we got stopped by a bunch of SCALDRA who recognized Quincy instantly."
    • > Oh no. These poor kids must have been terrified.
      • Aoi: not quite!
      • > Well, what did he do?
      • Aoi: guess!
      • > Used colorful language and no uncertain terms to tell them to get out of his way?
      • > Shoved past them?
      • > Ignored them?
      • > Was he... really nice to them?
        • Aoi: why yes he was! you know our Quincy better than I thought <3
        • Aoi: he SMILED at them. it was like he forgot I was there for a sec. dropped the whole tough guy act
        • > Those kids must have adored him.
          • Aoi: he knew them by name! "Hey Miko, I found one of those tammpets you told me about. Swiped it for ya."
          • > So Quincy went on a side quest to find a tammpet for some Höllvanian kid?
            • Aoi: I swear on Zeke's life!
            • Aoi: Quincy actually pulled one of those little digital pet things out of his pocket and gave it to the kid.
            • Aoi: Sol only knows how long he's had it, or how long he'd spent searching through Höllvania to find it
            • Aoi: once that funny little horned creature appeared on screen, I don't know who was smilling bigger. the kid or Quincy seeing the kid so happy
            • > You know, now that I'm picturing it, that really sounds like him.
              • Aoi: u think? either ur hella good at reading people or u and Quincy have a special bond <3
              • > Classic Quincy.
                • Aoi: ya <3
                • Aoi: he pretends he's all about the mission, but deep down, he's got a heart of gold. he still goes out sometimes just to bring a bit of happiness to those kids
                • > Think he could find me a tammpet?
                • > Honestly, it's nice to hear such a happy story about our brooding sniper.
                  • Aoi: I knew u'd appreciate it!
                  • Aoi: this tale does arm u with powerful knowledge. promise to only use this power for good?
                  • > Okay. I promise.
                  • > Pinky swear.
                    • Aoi: [happy emoticon] {Notes: 8}
                    • Aoi: gosh we make a good team {Convo. Ends}
                  • > Nah, I'm going to make fun of him.
                • > Aren't you kind of betray his trust telling me all this though?
              • > You risked your life to tell me this story?!
              • > Your secret is safe with me.
              • > Looks like you've signed your death warrant.
            • > You'll have to excuse me for finding this story hard to believe.
            • > You're lucky you got to see that side of him. I bet few people ever do.
          • > He... said that?
            • (Jump to above branch "I swear on Zeke's life!")
          • > You're definitely kidding.
            • (Jump to above branch "I swear on Zeke's life!")
        • > They knew him from POSITIVE interactions?
        • > You're kidding.
    • > Kids?
    • Aoi: u heard me!
    • > Well, what did he do?
    • (Jump to above branch "guess!")

[Best Friends > Loved] Aoi: "today, I finished folding 1000 metal cranes"[]

  • Aoi: today, I finished folding 1000 metal cranes
  • > Then it's only a matter of time until we know once and for all whether metal cranes work as well as paper ones.
    • Aoi: want to know what I wished for?
    • > If you tell me, won't that prevent it from coming true?
      • Aoi: ordinarily yes, but I made this wish for both of us, so it's different. it's ur wish too. surely u can know the contents of ur own wish ^_^
      • > Just to be safe, you'd better not tell me. Any wish you made for must be wonderful. I want it to come true.
      • > In that case, I'd love to know.
        • Aoi: I wish that no matter what happens, those we love stay safe
        • > I will never stop fighting for that to come true. And now I have a very important reason to do so.
          • Aoi: oh yeah?
          • > Before I had no one to fight for. Not really. But now? I have people I care about. The Hex. And my best friend... you.
            • Aoi: BESTIES!! ⸜( 。͐ ᵕ ͑ )⸝ ♡
            • Aoi: I feel like I already got my wish, though. even though it was one I didn't know I wanted to make
            • Aoi: turns out all i ever really needed in my life was someone who saw ME for ME. someone who had my back. someone who was there for me and smiled when i smiled
            • Aoi: and that person...? is u. <3
            • Aoi: so... thank u for being my bestie. and i'll always be there for u, whenever u need me to be
            • Aoi: (づ^ᴗ^)づ(˵^ᴗ^˵) {Convo. Ends}
          • > Because now that this is settled? I'm out of here and heading back to the future where I belong.
            • (Line required)
        • > That is so beautiful.
          • (Line required)
        • > Lol. You used a wish on *that*?
          • (Line required)
    • > I certainly do.
      • (Line required)
  • > For real?
    • (Line required)
  • > Congratulations! That's amazing!
    • Aoi: want to know what I wished for?
    • > If you tell me, won't that prevent it from coming true?
      • Aoi: ordinarily yes, but I made this wish for both of us, so it's different. it's ur wish too. surely u can know the contents of ur own wish ^_^
      • > Just to be safe, you'd better not tell me. Any wish you made for must be wonderful. I want it to come true.
        • Aoi: very well <3 I'll keep our wish safe
        • Aoi: i can't tell u how much it means to me that u trust me with this... wishes can make things real. i feel like u understand that more than most
        • Aoi: like real literal dragons!! so who's to say that wishes can't come true now, too? especially when u are involved
        • Aoi: but more than that i guess i just wanted to say... thank u. for being there for me
        • Aoi: I feel like I already got my wish, though. even though it was one I didn't know I wanted to make
        • Aoi: turns out all i ever really needed in my life was someone who saw ME for ME. someone who had my back. someone who was there for me and smiled when i smiled
        • Aoi: and that person...? is u. <3
        • Aoi: i'm gonna just come right out and say it, okay?
        • Aoi: *** I love u ***
        • > I love you too, Aoi.
          • Aoi: *** emoji emoji ***
          • Aoi: <3<3<3<3<3
      • > In that case, I'd love to know.
        • Aoi: I wished for us to defeat The Man in the Wall
        • > Then your wish has already come true. For me, anyway.
        • > That is so beautiful.
          • Aoi: <3
          • Aoi: I feel like I already got my wish, though. even though it was one I didn't know I wanted to make
          • Aoi: turns out all i ever really needed in my life was someone who saw ME for ME. someone who had my back. someone who was there for me and smiled when i smiled
          • Aoi: and that person...? is u. <3
          • Aoi: i'm gonna just come right out and say it, okay?
          • {sakura emoticons} I love u {sakura emoticons}
          • > I love you too, Aoi.
            • Aoi: {sakura emoticons}{happy hugging emoticons}{sakura emoticons}
            • <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 {Convo. Ends}
          • > I don't think I'm ready for this kind of commitment...
            • (Line required)
          • > Whoa whoa - this is just a casual thing for me, sorry.
            • (Line required)
        • > Lol. You used a wish on *that*?
          • (Line required)
    • > I certainly do.
      • (Line required)
  • > [Ignore.] {Convo. Ends}

(Drifter Initiates the conversation)[]

(Happy Birthday)[]

  • > Happy Birthday.
    • Aoi: thx {Convo. Ends}
  • > Happy Birthday, Aoi! Hope you're having a great day!
    • Aoi: u know what, I am! {cute cat emoticon} appreciate u! {Convo. Ends}

\(⌐ n- n)/ / \( ˙͜ ˙ )/ (chart R1C4)[]

  • > \(⌐ n- n)/ {Notes: 2}
    • Aoi: d( ͞ ¯ ͞ )b {Notes: 3}
    • > Is that like… a predasite?
      • Aoi: a what now?
      • > Right. You never would have seen an animal on Deimos. Predasites are like infested dogs with big ears. You’d love them.
        • Aoi: big ears are always cute! u see predasites often? ^_^
        • > Actually no. They’re hard to get close to… and kinda violent.
          • Aoi: pray tell, why do u need to get close to a wild animal on Deimos?
          • > I hunt them.
            • Aoi: is there like… an over-population problem?
            • > I just don’t like them.
            • > That was a joke. I’m actually part of a program to conserve them.
              • Aoi: aaah u got me! that‘s lovely ^_^
              • Aoi: that might be my new fave fact about u
              • > I’m glad you approve.
                • Aoi: i‘m glad ur not into hunting endangered animals <3
                • Aoi: my first emoticon was supposed to be a thumbs up btw ^_^
                • > Oh. Thanks for clearing that up.
                  • Aoi: but I’m going to say it’s a predasite from now on!
                  • > Perfect:)
                    • (Line required)
                  • > Lol. You do whatever you think is best. {Convo. Ends}
                • > Ah. It all makes sense now.
                  • (Line required)
              • > Just wait until you learn even more about me;)
                • (Line required)
          • > Conservation. I work to preserve Deimos wildlife.
            • (Line required)
        • > Yeah! I’m good at sneaking up on them.
          • (Line required)
      • > Ah right. You wouldn’t know. It’s an animal on Deimos. Don’t worry your pretty little head over it.
        • (Line required)
    • > (@ л@u)
      • (Line required)
    • > =^•л•^=
      • Aoi: (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (Note: 7)
      • > (づ´ᴗ`)づ(˵´ᴗ´˵)
        • Aoi: ur great at virtual hugs!
          • > I'm even better at real ones.
            • (Line required)
          • > So are you!
            • Aoi: aaaw <3
            • Aoi: wut do you think is the secret to a perfect hug? ^_^
              • > Sincerity.
                • Aoi: I couldn't agree more!
                • Aoi: ur a delight <3 {Convo. Ends}
              • > A great body.
                • Aoi: ☉‿☉
                • Aoi: I suppose that helps, ya
                • Aoi: I appreciate ur insight! {Convo. Ends}
  • > \( ˙ ͜ ˙ )/ {Notes: 2}
    • (Line required)

(About Lettie)[]

  • > You know, you've mentioned Lettie a few times, but you've never told me much about your friendship with her.
    • Aoi: huh. I suppose that's true!
    • Aoi: there was this time Arthur and I had a reeeally bad argument
    • Aoi: Lettie was really there for me. Words of wisdom, pounds of chocolate. the whole deal! we all know she can heal wounds, but when she puts her mind to it, she can heal hurt feelings too <3
    • > What was the argument about?
      • (Line required)
    • > How exactly did Arthur hurt your feelings so badly?
      • Aoi: oh that? gosh it was so long ago umm... it was just this little... breakup
      • > You and Arthur dated?!
        • Aoi: supriiiise ^_^
        • > You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to.
          • (Jump to below branch with 'Aoi: ur someone I trust...' )
        • > If you're willing to tell me what happened, I'd really like to hear it.
          • (Line required)
        • > Do I ever feel like an idiot for missing this. Want to fill me in?
          • (Line required)
      • > Broke up? As in stopped dating? As in you dated ARTHUR?
        • (Line required)
      • > Oh. Damn. Sorry, Aoi. That must have been tough.
        • Aoi: it was... for a bit. we're all good now.
        • > You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to.
          • Aoi: ur someone I trust, someone I want to know on a deep level. it's only right that I share that same depth with you.
          • Aoi: in the future, do you still celebrate venusia? it's the holiday around love and acceptance
          • > We do, but we call it Star Days.
            • (Line required)
          • > We call it Star Days, and there's someone on Venus who I think would love to know that they built on an old tradition, even if she didn't realize it.
            • Aoi: I think I'd get along well with that person ^_^
            • > She'd adore you. So, what happened between you and Arthur during Venusia?
              • Aoi: if u managed to pull an explanation out of Arthur - and that's a big IF - he'd probably say our fight on venusia ended the relationship
              • Aoi: that was the first time he saw me really upset. I think it took him by surprise.
              • > I'd hate to see you really upset.
                • Aoi: and I u <3
                • Aoi: we were out on a peacekeeping mission with the ICR but I still wanted to celebrate venusia in some way
                • Aoi: so I spent weeks folding 1000 paper cranes for him. they're supposed to be good luck, u know? and 1000 are supposed to grant a wish.
                • Aoi: every spare second I had between meals or before bed, I'd sneak off, all excited about how happy a venusia surprise was gonna make him
                • > Wow. That's incredibly thoughtful, and takes so much time and skill. Truly, an act of love.
                  • Aoi: yes well...
                  • Aoi: looking back, it's kind of embarrassing. I had built up his reaction in my head and then I gave him the cranes...
                  • Aoi: he just said, "thanks, but we really don't have time for this kind of thing."
                  • > ... Wishing I could punch Arthur right now.
                    • (Line required)
                  • > Aoi, I'm sorry. I can't imagine how much that hurt you.
                    • Aoi: u know, I think I needed to hear that more than I realized. thx <3
                      • (Jump to below branch with 'Aoi: it was like something snapped.' )
                  • > I don't want to discount your feelings, but I can see where Arthur was coming from. He was focused on the mission.
                    • Aoi: I could too, but understanding only gets u so far. when something deep within says something's off, eventually just have to listen
                    • Aoi: it was like something snapped. all this time I'd spent understanding him... had he really done the same for me?
                    • Aoi: maybe if I'd take the time to understand myself sooner, I would've reacted in a way I'd be proud of...
                    • > Feeling upset is nothing to be ashamed of.
                      • Aoi: I threw the cranes onto the road. didn't take long for a tank to drive over them.
                      • > Oh Aoi... all your hard work...
                        • Aoi: looking back, destroying those cranes just hurt me more. could have saved that wish for myself ha
                        • Aoi: oh well. what's done is done.
                        • > So you ended things right there?
                          • Aoi: my exact words to Arthur were, "ur right. now that you mention it, we don't have time for this relationship either."
                          • > It's admirable that you're still close friends.
                            • (Line required)
                          • > I'm sure a lot more than just that one fight led to the breakup.
                            • Aoi: I just realized I couldn't ask him to be someone he wasn't. he was never gonna find joy in simple things with me.
                            • Aoi: we couldn't even, say... listen to On-lyne together. even if I convinced him to, he wouldn't enjoy it.
                            • Aoi: it's not like I expect my partner to like everything I like, but I need the chance to share happiness
                            • Aoi: breaking down a broody facade only to constantly brush off eye rolls and good-natured jokes is... exhausting
                            • I know Arthur cares about me. we'll always respect each other, but when it comes to love, that's not enough
                            • > Thank you for opening up to me.
                              • Aoi: ur very easy to open up to:)
                              • Aoi: I really didn't expect to feel this good after sharing that story. there's just something about u
                              • Aoi: thx for listening
                              • > I'm always here if you need me.
                                • Aoi: <3 {Convo. Ends}
                              • > Anytime.
                                • (Line required)
                            • > You amaze me, Aoi. Someone who truly sees and loves people for who they are deserves a partner who will do the same.
                              • Aoi: ur making me blush
                                • (Jump to above branch with 'Aoi: I really didn't expect to feel this good...' )
                        • > I can imagine the shock on Arthur's face.
                          • (Jump to above line 'Aoi: My exact words to Arthur were' )
                      • > Arthur should have run into the road and picked them up anyway.
                        • (Line required)
                    • > Whatever happened, I promise it's okay.
                      • (Line required)
                • > Arthur was lucky to be with someone who cared so much about making him happy.
                  • (Line required)
              • > I'm sure he deserved it.
                • (Line required)
            • > Did something bad happened to you during Venusia?
              • (Line required)
        • > If you're willing to tell me what happened, I'd really like to hear it.
          • (Line required)
        • > Do I ever feel like an idiot for missing this. Want to fill me in?
          • (Line required)
  • > What's the deal with you and Lettie? You two get along, right?
    • (Line required)

'You know...' (About the Arcade) (R3C4)[]

  • > You know, I've been wondering... with your metal-bending skills, why didn't you ever scrap the arcade for parts? It could've been a goldmine for Quincy's ammo or spare supplies.
    • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: oh, I thought about it. a few times, actually. but...' )
  • > You know, that arcade would make a good scrap metal. Could probably build a whole tank out of it. A few atomicycles too. You should re-purpose it.
    • Aoi: oh, I thought about it. a few times, actually. but when it comes to leading people into battle, there's only one thing more important than good gear: good morale.
    • > Morale?
      • Aoi: scrapping the arcade would crush Amir. it's not just games to him, u know? it's a reminder of normalcy, something that keeps him smiling.
        • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: That happiness fuels the whole team...' )
    • > Interesting. I suppose I can see that.
      • Aoi: scrapping the arcade would crush Amir. it's not just games to him, u know? it's a reminder of normalcy, something that keeps him smiling.
      • Aoi: That happiness fuels the whole team in ways metal parts never could.
      • > I guess I never thought about it like that. You're right though. His joy is pretty infectious.
        • Aoi: sometimes that joy is all that keeps us going
        • > I should have known you would have thought about it so carefully.
          • Aoi: hey, we're on the same team ^_^
          • Aoi: plus, how would u have any hope of beating Amir's high score in Ollie's Crash Course if the arcade were gone? :P
          • > You caught me. That's what this is really about. I'm a sore loser. :P I must see that game crushed for besting me!
            • Aoi: LOL. save that rage for the Scaldra;)
            • Aoi: I've gotta run. Promise not to crush any arcade machines while I'm gone?
            • > Promise.
              • Aoi: excellent! {Convo. Ends}
            • > No promises
              • (Line required)
            • > I wouldn't dream of it.
              • Aoi: ur the best {Convo. Ends}
          • > Haha you make a good point.
            • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: I've gotta run. Promise not to crush...' )
          • > I gave up on that dream long ago.
            • Aoi: don't worry we all did lol
              • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: I've gotta run. Promise not to crush...' )
        • > I hope the Hex know how lucky they are to have you.
          • Aoi: we're all lucky to have each other
          • Aoi (that includes u <3)
            • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: plus, how would u have any hope of beating...' )
        • > Well, your bleeding heart might be the death of you, but it's definitely endearing.
          • (Line required)
      • > The way I see it, being sentimental could get you and the Hex killed.
        • (Line required)
    • > We'll have to agree to disagree on that one
      • (Line required)

(About the Metal Cranes) (R2C5)[]

  • > So, what’s the situation with the metal cranes you make?
    • Aoi: they‘re pretty! and fun! most importantly…
    • Aoi: 1000 cranes grant a wish!
    • > I thought that was for *paper* cranes.
      • Aoi: oh yes but *metal* cranes are even more magical (I like to think)
      • > That's really cool.
        • Aoi: ^_^ I'm glad u think so!
        • Aoi: before Jipangu trained their astronauts to go to space, they had candidates fold 1000 cranes. true story!
        • > Ah, interesting. Skill-testing and luck-building all in one. Very wise.
          • Aoi: ya! ^_^ u get it
            • (Jump to below branch "> So, how many have you folded by now?" )
    • > What? Where did you hear that?
      • Aoi: I thought it was common knowledge!
      • > I’ve never heard that in my life.
        • (Line required)
      • > First I’m hearing of this. I’d love to know more.
        • Aoi: allow me to grant ur wish;)
        • Aoi: it’s just what it sounds like! when u fold 1000 cranes, ur supposed to get a wish. traditionally, people fold paper, but I’m sure folding metal works just as well lol
        • > So, how many have you folded by now?
          • Aoi: a few hundred. I have a tally tucked somewhere between all my CDs lol
            • > How do you not have a precise number? I thought you'd have that memorized haha
              • (Line required)
            • > What will you wish for?
              • Aoi: if I tell u, it won't come tru!
                • > My mistake! I should have thought of that. Be sure not to tell me!
                  • Aoi: ok! I do love a wish guardian ^_^
                    • > I think I'm beginning to understand you a lot better.
                      • (Line required)
                    • > You're pretty cool, Aoi.
                      • Aoi: nah I just wear cool shades
                      • Aoi: (⌐■_■)
                      • (jump to the branch below starting with "Next time I see you folding those cranes")
                    • > I'm just glad you're doing what makes you happy.
                      • (Line required)
                • > I don't think that rule applies to wishes made of metal and paper.
                  • (Line required)
        • > I’ve seen you fold a lot. Have you gotten to 1000 before?
          • Aoi: actually yes! that wish wasn’t for me though. time I get a wish for myself, dontcha think?
          • > Where’s my wish?
            • (Line required)
          • > Oh yeah? What lucky someone got that wish?
            • Aoi: weeeell it’s not a very cheery tale. I’d rather not get into it right now
            • > Oh. Hey, I’m sorry to hear that.
              • Aoi: it's all good <3
                • (Jump to below branch "Aoi: This next wish will be better anyway" )
            • > Are you sure? I’d really like to hear it.
              • Aoi: yes I’m sure.
              • > This next wish will be better anyway :P
                • Aoi: haha I hope so
                • > Next time I see you folding those cranes, I’ll have a whole new appreciation.
                  • Aoi: and next time I see you seeing me fold cranes, I’ll have an appreciation for ur appreciation heehee {Convo. Ends}
                • > I’ve gotta run, but I’ll be sending you energy for all that crane-folding.
                  • Aoi: wow! I can feel ur energy flowing through the cosmos already <3 {Convo. Ends}
              • > Whatever happened, I think it’s cool that you’re making a wish for yourself. Turning it into something happy.
                • Aoi: ^_^ ur making my heart feel very full
                • > <3
                  • Aoi:꒰꒱♥︎
                    • (Jump to above branch '> Next time I see you folding those cranes...' )
              • > Won’t you reconsider telling me?
                • (Line required)
      • > Actually, come to think of it, I think I did hear that once.
        • (Line required)
      • > That doesn’t sound real, but if it makes you happy, that’s cool.
        • (Line required)
  • > Would you be willing to make me a metal crane?
    • Aoi: I suppoooose I would, but they're really for me;)
      • (Jump to above branch with 'Aoi: 1000 cranes grant a wish!' )

(Favourite Emoticon)[]

  • > Favorite emoticon. Go!
    • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: guess ^_^' )
  • > What’s your favorite emoticon?
    • Aoi: guess ^_^ {Notes: 4}
      • > ʘ◡ʘ
      • > •ᴗ•
        • Jump to below branch 'Aoi: ding ding ding! we have a winner! ...' )
      • > ^_^
        • Aoi: good guess! I use that one a lot because it's so darn versatile, but it's not my fave
          • > (・ᴗ-)✧
            • Aoi: oooo not quite but that one's up there!
              • > I give up
                • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: •ᴗ•' )
              • > •◡•
                • Jump to below branch 'Aoi: ding ding ding! we have a winner! ...' )
          • > (⌐■_■)
            • (Line required)
          • > •◡•
            • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: ding ding ding! we have a winner! ...' )
      • > ⸜( 。͐ ᵕ ͑ )⸝ ♡
        • Aoi: no, but thank u! <3 {Notes: 5}
        • > (•ᴗ - ) ✧
          • Aoi: oooo not quite but that one's up there!
          • > I give up
            • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: •ᴗ•' )
          • > •◡•
            • Jump to below branch 'Aoi: ding ding ding! we have a winner! ...' )
        • > (⌐ n- n)
          • Aoi: u get one more guess, but only cuz ur so cool
          • > •ᴗ•
            • Aoi: ding ding ding! we have a winner! how did u know?
            • > It’s my favorite too.
              • (Line required)
            • > It’s just the right mix of cute and witty.
              • Aoi: what a lovely observation!
                • (> Same choices as below branch)
            • > Just a hunch.
              • Aoi: how mysterious
                • (> Same choices as below branch)
            • > I’ve been paying attention.
              • Aoi: so observant <3
                • > Well, now I know something you love, and I'll never forget it.
                  • Aoi: whatever I did to deserve u in my life, I hope no time-travelling mischief-maker ever goes back and changes it <3 {Convo. Ends}
                • > Another Aoi mystery solved.
                  • Aoi: yet there's always more to uncover;) {Convo. Ends}
          • > I give up
            • Aoi: •ᴗ•
            • > Ooooh I can see why that would be your favorite.
              • Aoi: it's perfect, right?
              • > Another Aoi mystery solved.
                • Aoi: yet there's always more to uncover;) {Convo. Ends}
        • > •ᴗ•
          • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: ding ding ding! we have a winner! ...' )

(I'm guessing you are not from Höllvania) (R3C5)[]

  • > I'm guessing you are not from Höllvania
    • Aoi: wut gave it away? my zest for life?;)
    • I grew up in one of Canata's major cities right on the water, surrounded by mountains. it's beautiful! (albeit expensive)
    • > Do you miss it?
      • Aoi: terribly
      • Aoi: but of course it took embarking on a hero's journey to realize that
      • > Hero... like in a storybook?
        • Aoi: ya! just like a storybook. gotta leave ur peaceful little village and slay a big dragon so u can truly appreciate the peace, y'know?
        • > Haha I don't know much about dragons, but I know a lot about Orowyrms.
          • Aoi: Oro-whats? :O
          • > They're the monsters heroes slayed in the storybooks I read growing up.
            • Aoi: That certainly sounds like a dragon!
            • > Would you believe I've slain a whole lot of them?
              • Aoi: it wouldn't be the craziest thing I've heard a time-traveler say;)
              • Aoi: hmm
              • Aoi: so u've already had a heroes journey. here I was thinking u were on that journey with us in the Hex.
              • > I feel more like a hero with you and the rest of the Hex by my side, so maybe that's true.
                • Aoi: ur my hero! ^_^
                • Aoi: hang on. I couldn't tell how serious u were being. have u... literally slain a dragon?
                • > Yes, literally. Lol. Did they teach you about conceptual embodiment in school?
                  • Aoi: I've never heard that term in my life :O
                  • > With sufficient emotional intensity, the Void has the power to turn our thoughts into physical beings.
                    • Aoi: real dragons?! :O what happened with this "Orowyrm"?
                    • > They basically went around destroying stuff.
                      • Aoi: huh. maybe fairy tales should remain fiction after all.
                      • > Yes, they definitely should.
                        • Aoi: hey, u think I'd make a good damsel in distress?
                        • > No way. You're way too capable of saving yourself.
                          • Aoi: we could both be knights instead!
                          • > Okay, I like the sound of this fairy tale already.
                            • Aoi: ditto
                            • Aoi: well, brave hero, we'll have to finish this story later. I've gotta get back to the other adventurers in our troop
                            • > Say hi to everyone for me.
                              • Aoi: will do! {Convo. Ends)
                            • > I look forward to the next chapter.
                              • Aoi: there's so very much to look forward to <3 (Convo. Ends)
                          • > Let's both be dragons instead.
                          • > We'd be the bravest knights in the realm.
                            • Aoi: u know it!
                              • (Jump to above branch with 'Aoi: well, brave hero, we'll have...' )
                          • > Nah, let's both be damsels.
                            • (Line required)
                        • > Definitely, and you could count on me to save you.
                          • (Line required)
                      • > You just need to know how to handle them.
                        • (Line required)
                      • > Are you kidding? Watching villages burn was awesome.
                        • (Line required)
                    • > Oh, there was more than one. And I slayed them. For real.
                      • (Line required)
                  • > I paid zero attention in school, but that term came up a few times. Something about imaginary stuff not being imaginary anymore?
                    • (Line required)
                • > No, not literally. I just understand the metaphor. I've lost count of how many dragons have crossed my path since I left home on the Zariman.
                  • (Line required)
              • > Well, Höllvania is the furthest from home I've ever been, so maybe you're right.
                • (Line required)
              • > You thought wrong. I've slain more than enough dragons already.
                • (Line required)
            • > In that case, you could say I've seen more than my fair share of dragons.
              • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: hmm' )
          • > They're an Orokin invention...sort of. Big, golden, flying serpentine beasts.
            • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: That certainly sounds like a dragon!' )
        • > What if the dragon attacks the village? I've seen plenty of that with Orowryms.
          • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: Oro-whats?' )
      • > Hero's journey?
        • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: ya! just like a storybook.' )
    • > So, I gather you prefer it over Höllvania.
      • (Line required)
    • > (Sounds like it's worth the expense.)
      • (Line required)
  • > You must be from a really nice country.
    • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: wut gave it away?' )

(About Family)[]

  • > You've never told me anything about your family.
    • (Line required)
  • > You know, we've covered a lot of topics, but your upbringing is still a mystery to me.
    • Aoi: What would u like to know?
    • > Tell me about your parents.
      • Aoi: they were great. just kinda distant
      • Aoi: we didn't always see eye-to-eye
      • > About music? :P
      • > I'm sure that's true for most kids.
      • > About how you should spend your life?
        • Aoi: ya. more or less.
        • Aoi: I had a very high risk tolerance for my own life. my parents? not so much
        • Aoi: they were so upset when I told them I'd enlisted to be a soldier. didn't make much difference to them that it was for peace keeping
        • > They were concerned for their daughter's safety.
          • Aoi: definitely. wish I'd been more grateful for that at the time... and more understanding.
          • Aoi: I'm incredibly lucky to have parents who cared as deeply as they did. it's just a shame our family never found a way to show it openly.
          • Aoi: if I get the chance to see them again, I'll make things right. I'll shower them in love haha
          • > Good luck with that.
          • > You'll see them again one day. I'm sure of it.
            • Aoi: u know, hearing someone else say it makes it feel more true <3
            • Aoi: it's nice to be asked about mom and dad:)
            • Aoi: most of the hex get so bummed out remembering home. we don't talk about family much.
            • > Except Arthur and Eleanor, of course.
            • > That's too bad. We should keep those memories alive.
              • Aoi: agreed:) but I get where they're coming from
              • Aoi: well, I'd better get going for now
              • > Alright. Take care of yourself.
                • Aoi: u too <3 {Convo. Ends}
              • > For now?
                • (Line required)
              • > Thanks for letting me get to know you better.
                • Aoi: it's easy when you make me feel so safe <3 {Convo. ends}
            • > I can understand why they'd feel that way.
              • (Line required)
          • > Let's hope you get that chance.
            • (Line required)
        • > They underestimated you.
          • (Line required)
        • > They should have been proud of you.
          • (Line required)
    • > Any siblings?
      • Aoi: nope. just lil ol' me. how about u?
      • > I had a sibling.
        • Aoi: past tense... do u mind if I ask what happened?
        • > Same thing that happened to my parents. The Man in the Wall.
          • Aoi: u've been through so much.
          • Aoi: I'm sorry
          • > Sorry, I didn't mean to make this about me.
          • > It's okay. I'll get my revenge one day.
          • > Everyone's been through a lot. Not just me.
            • Aoi: all the more reason to be there for each other.
              • > That's kind of you. So, where were we? You were going to tell me about your parents?
                • Aoi: aah the Morohoshi household was a happy one indeed
                • > That explains why you're so nice.
                  • Aoi: oh that's so sweet of u. heh... is it bad that I was exaggerating a little?
                  • Aoi: my parents were...
                  • Aoi: they were great. just kinda distant.
                  • Aoi: we didn't always see eye-to-eye
                  • > I'm sure that's true for most kids.
                    • Aoi: ur probably right. funny how we can all be so similar yet so different.
                    • Aoi: I had a very high risk tolerance for my own life. my parents? not so much
                    • Aoi: they were so upset when I told them I'd enlisted to be a soldier. didn't make much difference to them that it was for peace keeping
                    • > They were concerned for their daughter's safety.
                      • Aoi: definitely. wish I'd been more grateful for that at the time... and more understanding.
                      • Aoi: I'm incredibly lucky to have parents who cared as deeply as they did. it's just a shame our family never found a way to show it openly
                      • Aoi: if I get a chance to see them again, I'll make things right. I'll shower them in love haha
                      • > You'll see them again one day. I'm sure of it.
                        • Aoi: u know, hearing someone else say that makes it feel more true <3
                        • Aoi: it's nice to be asked about mom and dad:)
                        • Aoi: most of the hex get so bummed out remembering home. we don't talk about home much.
                        • > I can understand why they'd feel that way.
                          • Aoi: ya. me too.
                          • Aoi: well, I'd better get going for now
                          • > Thanks for letting me get to know you better.
                            • it's easy when you make me feel so safe <3 {chat ends}

(About Aoi being the strongest/most heroic) (R5C3)[]

  • > You've got to be the strongest hero in the Hex. I mean, considering everyone here is partly metal, you're definitely not one to be messed with.
    • (Line required)
  • > I've been thinking, out of everyone on the team, your instinct to always look out for others makes you the most heroic of us all.
    • Aoi: <3
    • Aoi: u sound just like Amir
    • > First time in my life I've been told that.
      • (Line required)
    • > Why thank you. How so?
      • Aoi: it's just that when Amir first joined the Hex, he'd joke about me being this superhero
        • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: ... and him being my sidekick' )
    • > Really? What makes you say that?
      • Aoi: it's just that when Amir first joined the Hex, he'd joke about me being this superhero
      • Aoi: ... and him being my sidekick
      • Aoi: it was sweet but also a little sad
      • > That's surprising. Amir always seems so confident.
        • Aoi: it took time. Amir joined us without any military experience, so the fighting was overwhelming for him
        • Aoi: he just needed to see that being a hero wasn't all about combat
          • (Jump to below branch 'Aoi: I always knew that a hacker...' )
      • > A sidekick, huh? That doesn't sound like the Amir I know now. What changed?
        • (Line required)
      • > Sad? I thought you two were close.
        • Aoi: oh, we are! Amir's my best friend. some of my favorite memories are us in the arcade, gaming and rocking out to On-lyne
        • Aoi: but the whole sidekick thing? I could tell he felt... small.
        • Aoi: I always knew that a hacker as great as him could be a hero in his own way
        • > So what changed for him? He doesn't seem like anyone's sidekick now.
          • Aoi: I can't take all the credit, but I was there when he had his breakthrough.
          • Aoi: one day, I caught this wild broadcast from an On-lyne fan who'd pieced together some shady details about HitMaker (that's On-lyne's label)
          • Aoi: she was basically begging for someone to help them, and Amir jumped in without hesitation
          • > How'd Amir get involved in something like that?
            • (Line required)
          • > Amir? I thought it would have been you running to On-lyne's rescue.
            • (Line required)
          • > This sounds like a legendary Aoi-Amir team-up to me.
            • Aoi: a super-fan joining forces with a super-hacker? nothing could stop us!
            • Aoi: he hacked into their manager's emails and uncovered a mess of deals with the Scaldra. they'd been cloning the band and putting them in danger, all covered up by their management
            • Aoi: bleh!
            • Aoi: without Amir's skills, none of that would've come to light
            • > Wow. That's incredible. Amir really uncovered all that?
              • (Same as below branch)
            • > You know, if it's true that knowledge is power, hackers really are powerful.
              • Aoi: u bet. the whole ordeal totally helped him realized he wasn't just a sidekick. he was a hero in his own right ^_^
              • > As if there could ever have been any doubt.
                • Aoi: right?
                • Aoi: ur a hero too, u know <3 {Continues the same as the "And you still get to rock out..." branch}
              • > And you still get to rock out in the arcade together
                • Aoi: just two heroes taking a break!
                • Aoi: ur a hero too, u know <3
                • > That means a lot coming from you.
                  • Aoi: oh u <3 {Convo. Ends}
                • > Makes me feel awfully good hearing that.
                  • (Line required)
                • > You charmer.
                  • Aoi: guilty;) {Convo. Ends}
        • > And you played a big part in helping him realize that, didn't you?
          • (Jump to above branch 'Aoi: I can't take all the credit...' )
    • > Is that a compliment?
      • (Line required)

(About coming to Höllvania / Meet Hex) (R3C4)[]

  • > So, how did you end up in Höllvania?
    • (Same as below branch)
  • > How did you meet the Hex, anyway?
    • Aoi: that cheery tale begins with the ICR (International Crisis Response) unit I served on with Arthur
    • Aoi: nations united in an endless battle for peace! they sent us to Höllvania
    • > Fight and peace always look funny when paired in a sentence
      • Aoi: the irony's not lost on me
      • > So, why did you join the ICR?
        • Aoi: hmmm
        • Aoi: u ever have someone try to get all philosophical on you, saying something like...
        • Aoi: "we all THINK we'd stand up for what's right, but u never kno til ur actually in the moment of truth. u might just freeze up! the intensity could totally overwhelm u!!"
        • > Oh yes. I know exactly the type.
          • Aoi: right? dont you just hate that kinda posturing?
          • Aoi: whether I'd answer the call or not was never a question for me. honestly, I spent most of high school just trying not to fight- or at least not to argue
          • > Why hold back?
            • Aoi: I always believed in the whole "pick your battles" thing... not that I would have admitted it back then
            • > What kind of battles are we talking here?
              • Aoi: anything about the strong picking on the weak got under my skin. that and bad leaders
              • > Makes sense you and Amir would get along well
                • Aoi: ^_^ we have a blast! everyone else is serious *all the time* lol. honestly, without him, I'd probably feel pretty isolated (continues as below)
              • > I'm guessing you've wanted to deck Quincy a few times.
                • Aoi: LOL hey, Quincy's not as mean as he pretends to be. he's always looking out for the underdog, so he's good in my book.
                • > So, when the chance to fight for peace with the ICR came along, it must've felt natural.
                  • Aoi: exactly
                  • Aoi: enlisting in the ICR felt like a way to channel the fire I always had into something meaningful
                    • > No regrets enlisting in the ICR?
                      • Aoi: none. I really believe someone has to fight to protect those who call for peace
                      • Aoi: no matter what happens to me, I know I spent my life fighting for that ideal. I'm proud of that
                        • > That's not the answer I expected, but I've come to expect the unexpected from you.
                          • Aoi: u know how I love to exceed expectations;)
                          • Aoi: talk more soon?
                          • > Yeah, I'd like that.
                          • Aoi: (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ {Convo. End}
                • > I think I would have liked having you as a friend growing up.
                  • Aoi: cuz u have that fire inside too, don't you? I like that about u
                  • Aoi: enlisting in the ICR felt like a way to channel the fire I always had into something meaningful
                    • > No regrets enlisting in the ICR?
                      • Aoi: none. I really believe someone has to fight to protect those who call for peace
                      • Aoi: no matter what happens to me, I know I spent my life fighting for that ideal. I'm proud of that
                        • > That's not the answer I expected, but I've come to expect the unexpected from you.
                        • > I'm beginning to see how exceptional you are. Thank you for letting me in on a deeper level.
                          • Aoi: only fair, right? since I wanna know you on that deep level too
                          • Aoi: talk more soon?
                          • > Yeah, I'd like that
                          • > Sure.
                            • Aoi: • ᵕ • {Convo. End}

(About Duviri)[]

  • >Look who's online
  • >So. What's on Aoi's mind today?
    • Aoi: how kind of you to ask! i was wondering about Duviri, if ur willing to share
    • >Heh. Right, well, you remember those literal dragons I told you about? That's where they were.
      • Aoi: i really want to see them they sound SO COOL
      • >You know how I can use Transference to steer you around? I can use Transference on an Orowyrm too. That is *really* weird.
        • Aoi: (Surprised emoticon)
        • Aoi: what's it like to be a dragon?!?!
        • >The turning radius is shokingly *terrible*
        • >Strange, at first. But getting to fly? That's so much fun.
          • >I just wish it lasted. And that it wasn't trying to actively *kill me*
          • Aoi: but they sound like they'd be fun to fight, though
          • >I think with you by my side, nothing could stop us. Not an Orowyrm. Not the Indifference. Nothing.
            • Aoi: ヽ(*´︶`)ノ♡
            • Aoi: u got that right {Convo. Ends}
          • >When you've got family beside you, watching your back? Nobody stands a chance.
          • >Easy there. They're huge. And dangerous.
      • >They can be, when they're not trying to kill you.
    • >Duviri can be beautiful but it's... also dangerous, like all storybook worlds. Filled with monsters and lessons to learn.

(About Transference) (R5C6)[]

  • > I wanted to ask you something about Transference. {Pondrous emoticon}
    • Aoi: go on... u mean when you 'wear' a warframe? like the thing i am or becoming, i guess?
    • > Yeah. I don't want to make things weird, but I need to know where you stand. Does it bother you?
      • Aoi: I think the Kind answer to give you is the honest one... .. no. It doesn't at all. BUT it could. If I didn't... know you.
      • Aoi: because I trust you. I trust you wouldn't do anything I wouldn't do.
      • > Is there anything you wouldn't do?
        • Aoi: {Quizzical emoticon}
        • Aoi: of course. the list is so long
        • Aoi: i wouldn't leave someone behind if i could save them
        • Aoi: i wuldn't accept a no-win scenario
        • Aoi: shoooooooooould i keep going? i can do this all year
        • > Please. Continue.
          • Aoi: i wouldn't spend my downtime trying to see if my partner was testing my values {Convo. Ends}

(Motivation <stub>) (R5C5)[]

  • > One thing i really admire about you
  • > You've got an impressive amount of drive


Aoi and Drifter use emoticons in some of their messages. The following images are included for reference and improvements to the records in this page.

Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (1)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (2)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (3)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (4)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (5)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (6)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (7)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (8)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (9)
Kinemantik Instant Messenger/Aoi (2025)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.